Don’t Have a WhatsApp Widget? You Are Missing Out on THESE Benefits!

WhatsApp is easily one of the most in-demand rich messaging channels you can be on today, and with good reason. With customer loyalty becoming ever more elusive, investing in tools that improve CX by meeting customers where they are, personalizing interactions, and offering 24/7 support has become a business need. Brands across verticals have invariably turned to the WhatsApp Business API, which ticks all the boxes. It has a humongous user base of over 2 billion users, offers two-way, rich, encrypted messaging and allows businesses to automate customer service via chatbots. No wonder the number of businesses using WhatsApp’s paid messaging service has increased 40% quarter-on-quarter as per Meta’s Q1, 2023 results.

However, to make the most of this incredible platform, your customers need to know that you are available on WhatsApp and they should find it easy to reach you instantly. Want to know what’s the best way to do that? By adding a WhatsApp chat button and widget.

What is a WhatsApp Chat Button and Widget?

A WhatsApp widget is a simple, easy-to-use application that can be placed strategically on your website as a click-to-WhatsApp chat button. Widgets are easy to spot and can lead your customers to click on them and be redirected to your official WhatsApp Business API channel, where they can start chatting with your business instantly. Widgets are an easy way to inform your website visitors that you are available to talk to them on WhatsApp. The widget as well as the chat button have multiple customization options that can help you create a unique brand identity. You can integrate the widget with your existing systems such as the CRM to improve your customer service levels.

What Are the Benefits of Using a WhatsApp Widget?

Widgets have plenty of benefits for your business. Let’s take a look.

Easy to Spot

Widgets do not take up a lot of space, but they are quite easy to spot and help customers discover that a WhatsApp channel exists. Your customers can easily click on the button and begin direct, one-to-one conversations with your support team.

Helps to Acquire New Customers

Widgets do not take up a lot of space, but they are quite easy to spot and help customers discover that a WhatsApp channel exists. Your customers can easily click on the button and begin direct, one-to-one conversations with your support team.

Bolsters Your Customer Support

For customers, the quality of support they receive, both pre-and post-sales, plays a huge role in their decision to stick with a brand. Having a widget ensures your customers can quickly reach out to you over WhatsApp chat with the simple click of a button and raise whatever issue is bothering them in real time. They do not have to call you and be put on hold, or email you only to receive responses after a long time, if at all.

Such instant responses help to create a relationship based on trust, which ultimately boosts customer loyalty. Using a widget helps you make available a much faster customer support channel compared to other, more traditional channels. Your customers can start talking to you without having to jump through hoops.

Can be Customized

Both the widget and the chat button come with highly customizable options, making your brand stand out. You can choose the bubble’s color (as per your brand’s colors), text, the bubble icon, and where you want it to appear. The widget also comes with many customization options – you can select your brand or operator name, your brand logo or some other image (maybe a picture of your customer support agent), create a catchy welcome message, and pick your color. You can personalize which website pages your widget shows up on. These help you create a sense of uniqueness, make your widget more visually appealing, and improves chances of visitors clicking on it.

Can Capture Customer Data

When customers click on the widget and reach out to you on WhatsApp, you can easily capture vital customer data (such as their mobile number) and use it to segment your customers, reach out to them later with targeted offers, and improve your support and services based on your customers’ feedback.

Uses Automation to Improve Self-Service Options

You can improve customer convenience and reduce the burden on your support agents by configuring the widget such that it offers automated responses that guide customers without any human intervention.

Is Mobile-Friendly

WhatsApp widgets are quite mobile-responsive so they work well on small devices, a huge plus in today’s mobile-first world.

Easy to Set Up

WhatsApp widgets are very easy to embed and require no technical expertise whatsoever. You can integrate it with any CMS such as Shopify, WordPress, Magento, Salla, OpenCart, and others.

So what are you waiting for! Go ahead and build
your free WhatsApp Widget now!

Get Widget
Staff Writer
Odelia is a staff writer at edna. She creates engaging as well as informative content for webpages, email marketing, as well as social media platforms. She loves to read up on the latest industry trends and new technologies as well as on changes in the digital landscape. In her free time, she loves to hone her pottery skills.