Meet Education Sector’s Diverse Needs With Digital Communication Tools

Deploy different messaging tools and automation for a variety of use cases to improve enrollments, reduce the burden on their staff, and save on costs.

Future-Proof Your Education Business

Digitize your student communications

Automate enrollments

Provide better student support

Keep parents informed on student progress

Take Your Education Customer Service to the Next Level With edna’s Omnichannel Communication Solutions

Send bulk education-related messages securely on multiple channels via the edna’s Unified Cloud Messaging solution.

Centralize all conversations with your shoppers in a single intelligent interface with edna’s Chat Center

Use Digital Platforms for a Wide Variety of Education Use Cases

Share Automated Alerts With Students and Parents

Send out automated bulk alerts to keep students and parents informed about a number of things including exam dates, aassignment submission deadlines, fee payment reminders, and so on. Rules-based bots are designed to answer general queries and help students complete a variety of self-service tasks like uploading application forms, answering general queries on course modules, sharing time tables and important dates, and so on. This will also reduce the burden on admin staff and lower call volumes.

Enable Two-Way Conversations Between Teachers and Students

Check on your students’ progress routinely. Encourage students to clear their doubts with teachers, submit assignments, take video lessons, create study groups, share feedback. Deploy bots to share daily quizzes for students just like in a regular classroom, and share the results with teachers automatically. Equip teachers to monitor a student’s learning progress, share personalized feedback on a student’s strengths and areas of improvement, and recommend alternative courses. 

Increase Enrollments

Instead of expecting students to look up your institute’s website, email, or call up to seek admissions-related information, establish a presence on popular chat platforms students are already familiar with. Use platforms like live chat, WhatsApp, and Viber to turn prospective students into actual ones. Gauge their interests by engaging in one-to-one conversations and guide them toward a suitable course. Streamline the applications process by sharing admission forms, answering queries, supporting students with form submission, announcing important dates, and more. Provide a hassle-free onboarding experience.  

Want to transform your education delivery? Get in touch today!
Sabrina Mathews
Admin Head
When Covid-19 left our institute in a state of overnight chaos, we had to turn to digital tools like live chat, WhatsApp, and push messaging to ensure continuity of education and not lose our students. Although things are back to normal, we continue to use digital tools provided by edna as they are scalable and cost-effective. We use their digital platforms to announce important dates, offer enrollment assistance, clarify doubts quickly, help students upload documents virtually, send progress reports virtually, facilitate easy teacher-student interactions and more. In an age when our students are digital natives and practically live online, meeting them where they are has proved to be an absolute game-changer for us in terms of increasing enrollments and reducing churn.

Why Our Clients Trust Us Over Others

99,5% of messages delivered

platform availability

Ready-made integrations with other systems and quick connection of chatbots

Accurate and detailed reporting

How edna Chat Center’s Integration With Third-Party Software Supercharges Customer Support
Why the Education Sector Needs Digital Communication Tools
Want to take the digital route for your educational institute?